ico Skuteczne nawiązywanie kontaktów handlowych
w branży FMCG

For media

We propose a cooperation with the media industry on the basis of Media Patronage.

We offer:

  • Barter agreement
  • Media Patronage status
  • Placing the logo on promotional materials events (brochures, leaflets, advertisements in Polish and foreign periodicals, conference folder) and on the website
  • Invitation for the representative of the editorial board to participate in the event

In return, we expect:

  • Placing a banner on the website of the media patronage (in the case of a web portal)
  • Placing an advertisement promoting the event in writing (in the case of magazines printed)
  • Publishing the announcement in the electronic newsletter
  • Publishing information on a website / in writing
  • Publication of an article after the incident (+ 1 or 2 photos)

We are open to any suggestions for possible cooperation. All the conditions are determined individually.

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